Annual general meeting 2016

Report from the annual general meeting in NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB (publ) on 1 June 2016

On 1 June 2016 the annual general meeting of NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB (publ) resolved in accordance with the following

Adoption of the annual accounts etc.

• The annual general meeting adopted the income statements and balance sheets for the parent company and the group for the year 2015, and resolved that SEK 37,173,880, of the total SEK 733,262,852 at the annual general meeting’s disposal, shall be allocated as dividends to the shareholders, of SEK 2.50 per share, and that the remaining unrestricted equity, SEK 696,088,972, shall be carried forward.

•   The annual general meeting resolved to discharge the board members and the managing director from liability.

Board of directors and auditors etc.

• The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, that the number of board members shall be three (3) with no deputy board members and that the board shall be composed as follows: Tony Gardner-Hillman (re-election), Andrew Wignall (re-election) and John Chapman (re-election) John Chapman was re-elected as chairman of the board.

• It was further resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, that the compensation to the chairman of the board of directors shall amount to SEK 225,000. The compensation to each other board member who does not draw any salary from the company shall amount to SEK 150,000. The auditor fees shall be paid in accordance with an approved invoice.

  • The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of director’s proposal, to re-elect Ernst & Young Aktiebolag as auditor for the period until the end of the next annual general meeting.Principles for appointment of the nomination committee for the 2017 annual general meeting

    • The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the nomination committee’s proposal, to adopt principles for the appointment of the nomination committee for the 2017 annual general meeting. The complete principles are available at the company’s webpage

    Guidelines for remuneration to senior managers

    • The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to adopt remuneration guidelines for the senior management. The complete guidelines are available at the company’s webpage

     Authorisation to acquire the company’s own shares

    • The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to authorise the board of directors to acquire the company’s own shares. The complete proposal is available at the company’s webpage

    Change of the company’s name

    • The annual general meeting resolved, in accordance with the board of directors’ proposal, to  adopt new articles of association whereby the company’s name is changed from “NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund AB” to “NAXS AB”. The complete proposal is available at the company’s webpage